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Face Values

Instagram-Account of ‚fashion_for_bank_robbers’ (Screenshot) [] Foto Colectania
Letter 1
Wolfgang Ullrich
to Jana J. Haeckel
“The digital public space, as it emerges above all within social media, follows its own rules. Since almost everything leaves traces in it, it is riskier than analogue public space”
“The digital public space, as it emerges above all within social media, follows its own rules. Since almost everything leaves traces in it, it is riskier than analogue public space”
Broomberg & Chanarin, Spirit is a Bone, 2012, © Broomberg & Chanarin
Letter 2
Jana J. Haeckel
to Wolfgang Ullrich
“The contemporary artificial intelligence used today for facial recognition is anything but objective or neutral…”
“The contemporary artificial intelligence used today for facial recognition is anything but objective or neutral…”
Ria, Plusticboy e Imma de viaje (2021)
Letter 3
Wolfgang Ullrich
to Jana J. Haeckel
“If masks have always represented a kind of armament with which people tried to better achieve their respective interests, the need for masking increases even more in times of digitalisation”
“If masks have always represented a kind of armament with which people tried to better achieve their respective interests, the need for masking increases even more in times of digitalisation”
Sophia the robot
Letter 4
Jana J. Haeckel
to Wolfgang Ullrich
“…it becomes clear that the new media are still characterized by established hierarchies of race, class and gender. Virtuality is not an innocent place.”
“…it becomes clear that the new media are still characterized by established hierarchies of race, class and gender. Virtuality is not an innocent place.”
Cara a Cara Wolfgang Ullrich y Jana J. Haeckel
Letter 5
Wolfgang Ullrich
to Jana J. Haeckel
As a conclusion to the correspondence between Wolfgang Ullrich and Jana J. Hackel, we invite you to watch their face-to-face conversation.
As a conclusion to the correspondence between Wolfgang Ullrich and Jana J. Hackel, we invite you to watch their face-to-face conversation.

Meet the participants

Jana J. Haeckel

Art historian, curator, and lecturer Jana J. Haeckel examines image and body politics in contemporary art, specifically in the new ethics of photography in the digital age. Art practices that subvert historical and colonial narratives through archival research are also part of her work. She holds a PhD in art history and currently serves as director of Photoforum Pasquart in Biel, Switzerland. Haeckel recently edited the book, ‘Everything Passes Except the Past’ (Sternberg Press, 2021), a result of a two-year-long project on colonial heritage with the Goethe-Institut and curated the exhibition ‘Resistant Faces’ at Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich, 2021), a critical inquiry of the portrait in our digital present. Other curated exhibitions include ‘Everything Passes Except the Past’ (Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Turin, 2020), ‘Julien Creuzet: Knows how to feel, The smell of rain’ (Drodva Gallery Prague, 2018), ‘Performing the Border’ (Kunstraum Niederoesterreich Vienna, 2017).

Jana Haeckel and Wolfgang Ullrich are the authors of a series of letters about the face values and the control exercised over the face from the power and from oneself.


Wolfgang Ullrich

Wolfgang Ullrich is a cultural scientist and author; he was professor of art history and media theory at the University of Arts and Design in Karlsruhe. He currently lives in Leipzig. His research, published in numerous books and essays, is devoted to the history and critique of the concept of art, sociological issues of images, and consumer theory. He is also co-editor of the book series “Digitale Bildkulturen“ („Digital image cultures“) published by Klaus Wagenbach (Berlin). – More at